Search Strategies for Serious Researchers
Use the Killer article to find similar sources
Your Grow Your Pearl!
Citation Chaining Snowball!
Use Google Scholar
Cited by – see how many people cited the article in their research.
Journal Run – Find a journal that keeps being mentioned. –
Find journal and browse issues /themes in that journal on your topic.
10. What sources can you use to search? Free sources or Databases?
Databases - have value – vested, costly/paid, editor
Free Internet - has original research and can find primary sources.
Google Scholar
LibGuides – you can search LibGuides on specific topics from University Libraries. There is also a LibGuide Community -
Google Books – find information from the pages that are free. Use the table of contents – look at keywords.
When using databases or websites use Boolean Searching to broaden or narrow your search.
Use quotation marks to search for exact phrases
example "George Washington"
adapted from Binghamtom University, 2018