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Leadership - Capstone Research Project - 12th Grade: Capstone Research Project

Welcome to resources for your Capstone Research project!


Female leaders share the best advice they have ever received

The Big 6 for Research

The Big Six Skills for Research

1. Task Definition: Define the scope of your topic: order your tasks, and creates a timeline for completion.

1.  Task Definition:
 1.1 Define the problem
 1.2 Identify the information needed.

2. Information Seeking Strategies: consider all the possible sources of information that are available. Then  weigh which sources are best.

2.  Information seeking strategies:
  2.1 Brainstorm all possible sources.
  2.2 Select the best source.

3. Location and Access: think about the ease of finding both the sources and the information that resides within them.

3. Location and Access:
  3.1 Locate sources.
  3.2 Find information within sources.

4.Use of Information: reviews the information sources to determine what each source provides, and how the information can be used 

4. Use of information:
  4.1 Engage (e.g., read, hear, view).
  4.2 Extract relevant information.

5. Synthesis: review the information and  incorporate it into your research

5. Synthesis:
  5.1 Organize information from multiple sources.
  5.2 Present the result.

6. Evaluation: evaluate the information and research process

6.  Evaluation:      6.1 Judge the result (effectiveness).
  6.2 Judge the process (efficiency) 

Director of Library and Media Services

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Barbara Lipsky
Maryvale Preparatory School Library
11300 Falls Road Lutherville, MD 21093