Examples of Source Cards and Note Cards
Source Card
Database 1 _____________________________________________ Newton, David E. “Magnetic Levitation.” The Gale Encyclopedia of Science. edited by K. Lee Lang and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner, 4th ed., Gale, 2008, Student Resources in Context, ic.galegroup.com/ic/suic/.
Note Card
Maglev Trains – History 1 _____________________________________________
Internet Articles
Author. "Article Title." Title of Website, Publisher (if given), Publication date, URL.
Coin, Paul. “Maglev.” Science for the Ages, 12 May 2013, science.ages/education.com.
Iraq’s Children 2007. UNICEF, 11 Feb. 2008, www.unicef.org/inf/files/Iraqus_2017.pdf.
Publisher – no author
“Anxiety and Panic Disorders.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Mental
Health and Research, 13 Jan. 2015, www.mayoclinic.or/diseases.
No publication date – use date of access
“Global Warming.” Coalition for Planet Earth. Earth Science Foundation,
www.planetearch.com. Accessed 23 July 2018.
You would cite an image as follows:
Author (last, first). "Title of digital image." Title of website, date, URL. Accessed date.
Note: If the image is a Google Image -- Do not cite Google Images as the Title of the website or publisher. Instead, click on the picture and use the information from the website that is hosting the picture.
If the image does not have an author - leave it blank
If the image does not have a title - make up a description of the image, but do not put it in quotation marks.
If the image does not have a date - leave it blank, but make sure you put the access date at the end of the citation.