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Englar/ Matthews - American History Project: How to Avoid Plagiarism

Tips to avoid Plagiarism

Plagiarism is considered theft!
Plagiarism is taking another person's ideas and words and passing them off as your own. There is unintentional and intentional plagiarism.
  • Not being sure if something is common knowledge and accepting that it is.
  • Not understanding that you are plagiarizing when you change a few words or sentences that were taken from another source.
  • Now writing down the correct source citation information and matching that information with your notes.
  • Taking another person's ideas and failing to give them credit
  • Copying a sentence, paragraph or text from another source and not giving credit to the author
Ways to Avoid Plagiarism:
When Quoting:
  • Always put quotes in quotation marks.  
  • Make sure you cite accurately where the quote came from.
  • Use Parenthetical citations directly after the quote - make sure you have the correct page number in the parenthetical citation.
When Paraphrasing:
  • Stop, think, and repeat to yourself the main points.
  • Make sure you put the information in your own words and remember to credit the original source.
  • Be sure you are not just rearranging or replacing words.
  • Double check what you wrote by rereading the original.
  • Make sure your use  parenthetical citations directly after the quote.

Things to Remember:

  • Write down your source information as soon as you realize you will be using the source.
  • Remember to number your source (card) information.
  • Match the note card to the source card by the correct number
  •  Being unorganized with your notes could lead to plagiarism if you cannot remember who wrote which piece of information
  • Make sure you always give credit where credit is due
  • Schedule enough time to do the research so you will not be rushed
  • Never use another student's paper as your own
  • Never surf the web for papers you can purchase



How to avoid Plagiarism